Interpersonal Violence

Interpersonal violence occurs when one person uses power and control over another person through physical, sexual or emotional threats or actions, economic control, isolation or other kinds of coercive behavior. The most common forms of interpersonal violence experienced by college students are sexual assault, dating/domestic violence and stalking.  Interpersonal violence can be perpetrated by a partner, ex-partner, acquaintance or stranger.  In the majority of cases, the perpetrator is known to the victim or survivor. Interpersonal violence can occur regardless of a person’s gender identity or expression, sexual identity, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, religion, ability, age or national origin.

Are you troubled by a traumatic event? Take an online screening.

For information about the definition of spousal/partner abuse.

For statistics regarding domestic abuse.

For information about surviving abuse.

If you are a victim of interpersonal violence

  • Call 911 if you are in danger or if you need immediate medical assistance. Tell someone you know and can trust.
  • Report the assault. If on campus, call University Safety (417-836-5509).
  • If you are not on campus, dial 911 for the Springfield Police. Reporting the assault does NOT commit you to filing charges.
  • Call the hotline.
    • In Springfield, call 417-864-SAFE (7233).
    • If you are outside the Springfield area call 1-800-821-6863.
    • 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) - The National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline will route you to a local sexual assault service provider in your area.
  • Contact the Title IX Office (417-836-4252), a residence hall staff member, the Dean of Students and/or the Counseling Center to find out how the University can assist you.
  • Information regarding confidentiality.

For emergency medical treatment, call 911 or

Mercy Emergency-Trauma Center

  • 417-820-2115

Cox Emergency Department

  • (North) 417-269-3393

  • (South) 417-269-4083

Local resources

Harmony House

  • 417-837-7700

Family Violence Center 

  • 417-864-7233

The Victim Center 

  • 417-863-7273

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Please read the information presented on each site carefully and critically. We have carefully selected each site with the belief that it provides useful information, however, the following listing of sites is for reference only. No endorsement of these sites is thereby meant of implied. No representation or warranty concerning the quality or any other characteristic of these sites is being made.